
Montag, 13. Mai 2013

Soeben 18:05 Uhr MESZ wurde der zweite X-Class Flare registriert


Klassifiziert mit X 2,8 lt. NOAA - Aktuelle Bilder gibt es dazu HIER und HIER

2013-05-13 16:16 UTC  Another Strong Radio Blackout, May 13 
A hot active region, still barely on the visible disk, erupted with an R3 (Strong) Radio Blackout around 1600 UTC (noon EDT) today, May 13. This is the same region that produced an R3 (Strong) event about 12 hours ago. Given its location well off the Sun-Earth line, no Geomagnetic Storm activity is anticipated should a CME be launched. These recent x-ray flares are the strongest so far this year. Watch here for updates.

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